Texas PLLC (Professional Limited Liability Company)
Most licensed professionals are required to form a professional entity (like a PLLC), instead of a traditional LLC. Here’s what you need to know:
- Information About PLLCs
- How to Form a PLLC in Texas
- Texas PLLC FAQs
Who Must Form a PLLC in Texas?
Most licensed professionals in the medical field must form a professional entity in Texas to provide business services for their licensed profession. What’s more, the business owner must actively hold a license for the service their PLLC provides. In other words, an osteopath cannot form a PLLC to provide psychotherapy services, even if the osteopath hires a licensed psychotherapist to provide those services.
There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, medical physicians and physician assistants are permitted to co-own a PLLC in Texas, even though they technically hold different licenses. The same is true for some mental health professions. See: TX Bus Orgs § 301.012.